
Why massage?

It prevents injury, flushes out toxins, keeps you pliable, grows muscle faster, and recovers from muscle pain faster. Also, your lymphatic system does not have a pump, like your heart, so massage aids greatly in it’s circulation.


Hug with the knees from fudoza if you are on the floor, against their side. Make contact.

Also line up at the bottom of their feet. The feet are very important. They relate to the heart because the blood has to travel so far.

Applying pressure

Everyone only uses the hands. Use different configurations, the whole body, the backs of the hands, the arms.

Move the muscles, then let it come back.

When you find bad places, work on it.

Play with the spine.

You don’t want to necessarily hurt them, but relax them if you can. Put them into a hypnotic state.

Warming their feet will warm their lower back, then lower belly, then lower and lower, without being too strong.

Technique of Divine Resection: (Use will of mind and) push on the affected part using all 5 fingers of both hands.

Technique of Kosetsu Homa (Ko=God’s glittering power of the fire; Setsu=soften; Homa=affected part): Have them drink grated garlic, miso soup, ginger, daikon (large white Oriental radish), & mustard mixed together.

Rei-Shi-Jutsu Hoshiki - Divine Finger Technique: Place the 3 fingers of the left hand (normally, earth, water, & fire) on the affected area and striking them with the same fingers on the right hand (while chanting God words).

Rei chi shin rei ho (The Method of Mystic wisdom-mind-heart-grace): Lightly stroke the affected part with both palms while using the subconscious.
Gaijutsu/Chin-Kon-Mogusa-Jutsu (Repose of souls moxa technique) - Part 1: Tama Shima Mi Dome (ball/bunch, island/stripe, fruit/meat/seed/content, stopper), juice of ginger. Part 2: Green vegetable juice. To cool a fever or hyperthermia, also add white Oriental radish. Part 3: Use divine water (holy water? Blessed water) to cool and hydrate. Also make/use a cold compress from cedar leaves or hot compress from loquat leaves. Also make a moxa and burn on/near the affected area made from grass roots, insects, & worms. (Moxa is a burning of Asian leaves for the smoke, sometimes called moxibustion, for various effects.)

Lumbar Roll - from behind the laying patient, 1 hand on their upper side (just under their armpit, with fingers pointing to the rear), and 1 hand on the back of the opposite hip (fingers pointing forward), press so as to turn their spine in opposite directions.

Jaundice = Caused by mucus infection of the bile ducts of the liver, gal bladder, pancreas, and duodenum (intestines), liver atrophy, and some contagious diseases. Also, drinking or eating too much, gastrointestinal disorders, spinal column disorders, or right side below the floating ribs, gallstones, parasites. Symptoms may include upper abdominal pain, coated tongue, low appetite, headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, yellowing of the eyes and skin, grey/white clay-like feces, black/brown urine, speckled skin, itchy skin, diarrhea, excessive crying (for a baby), and a slight fever, painful liver when touched, depression, lethargy, and stones in the kidneys or other areas. Treatment can cure it immediately, or as long as 8 weeks. Use Nenjojutsu (all 5 fingers) to feel and massage the right side of the 7th-10th thoracic vertebrae. Massage the right area below the floating ribs and liver. Have them drink green leafy vegetable juice to prevent constipation, lots of water, rice porridge. Reduce food. Avoid protein, fat, sugar, spices, salt, & coffee. Use a hot compress on the liver, and do exercise involving the midsection, such as pulldowns, sit-ups, and side crunches.

Vomiting/Nausea = Causes: direct stimulation, or brain damage to the center responsible for the action. Alcoholics sometimes vomit on an empty stomach. Women may vomit during pregnancy. Treatment: Massage both sides of the spine to rearrange the muscles. Carefully massage around the neck, under the jaw, and under the ears. Massage the stomach, liver, gallbladder. Hot compress around the lower jaw and under the ears. Fast for a day, then eat small portions. Exercises that involve the abdominal area.

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