Where to find people to practice hypnosis: Obviously, your own students are a perfect start. If you do not train in such a group, you can use the internet to organize and advertise, such as on Craigslist or other free classified or social media. Meet in parks, people’s homes, or other safe and non-chaotic spots.
Do not use handouts until maybe at the very end. People will focus on the paper and hypnosis is very much about focus on the person. Switch partners constantly.
What hypnosis is not: able to overcome ethical reasoning.
What hypnosis is: an altered state of mind, a situation where everyone wins, a trance, a state of relaxation, therapeutic.
The CIA had a program called “MK Ultra” that used hypnosis for super assassins. They would need to be trained as assassins voluntarily first.
Hypnotic trances happen all the time in the world around you, usually by accident. Whenever you “zone out” during an activity, you are self-inducing a hypnotic trance.
You are the target of intentional hypnosis daily, such as in video or radio commercials, or advertisements on social media, or the government.
The 4 stage protocol:
Capture people’s focus and absorb their attention. Draw them into you. Make sure all their thoughts are following along what you set out for them.
Bypass the critical factor, the part of their brain that tries to justify why something can’t be true or possible.
Activate any unconscious response. It doesn’t matter what it is at this point.
Lead those responses into the desired outcome.
An implanted message can hide within another message as a suggestion. They should be suggested multiple times in multiple ways to improve effectiveness. You should use confusion such as double negatives like “you shouldn’t not do that”.
Practice this exercise: watch people when they get really focused while doing something, such as, reading a book, watching tv, playing a game, surfing the net, taking the bus or train, trying to ignore people around them, in a conversation while shutting out the rest of the people around them. Ask yourself what is different about them? What makes them highly focused on what they are doing? What changes can you see while they are highly focused? Become sensitive to this change. This will be the beginning of your Signal Recognition System that will tell you when someone is or is not in a trance. Be a people watcher.
Practice this exercise: try getting and keeping people’s attention anyway you can. Going too far out of the box may lose their attention. Maintain eye contact. Do not break it, and remember to smile so you don’t look evil.
What is rapport? Rapport is when two people understand each other and share similar ideas or goals or something else. People feel comfortable around others who share similarities. This will be important.
Mirroring is when you copy someone’s body language, breathing, or motions in order to strengthen rapport. Mirroring, when used, must be done subconsciously and undetectable to the other person. If they discover you are copying them, if will have the opposite effect and they will become angered ore defensive.
6 mistakes people usually make in building rapport:
They end up being too nice, to the point they present artificially and it puts the relationship in a permanent state of super nicety, thus neither of you ever getting to know the real person. Remember there is a time to stop being so nice in order to save the relationship.
They end up trying too hard and consciously interfere with an unconscious process. You need to slide into a subtle rhythm.
They end up being a little bit too pushy in order to get something from someone else, much like a salesman. Fractioning rapport is when you build rapport a little bit, then back off, then build a little more, then back off, then again, and again.
They lack a genuine interest. This will unconsciously send your own signals that you are bored and disinterested which will make the other person begin to shut down. To correct this, you should convince yourself for the time being that the other person is to be valued and is worth listening to, if you don’t already view all people this way. You should also use a trackback technique. This is where you confirm or at least dialogue what they have said using the exact same language, emotion, and intonation so they don’t feel you have misunderstood them.
They play the wrong role. You should be flexible and sometimes be an underdog, sometimes an equal, and sometimes a leader who shows the way forward, but you cannot do this by taking a role away from the other person who needs to be in a certain role, and you must pace yourself to match them so you do not outpace them by getting ahead of them.
They talk at length about a common interest (deep rapport), so much so, that when they meet under different circumstances and in a different environment, it now feels awkward and ends up eroding at earlier rapport. To fix this, establish wide rapport, that is, talking about multiple topics, or, in various locations to establish a new rapport in that environment. Another method is to use hypnotic storytelling. This is just telling stories about various topics or in various locations in order to show a wide array of your personality so now the other person feels like they can talk to you about anything.
Language Pattern Cards
What would it be like if you can absorb these patterns naturally? I’m not suggesting that you can do that, I’m just wondering what it would be like if you could.
If you were to understand how easy these patterns are, how much more would you be enjoying these exercises?
You don’t have to be able to use these patterns naturally right away. It’s important that you just progress and use them as natural and easy as is possible for you.
You really shouldn’t make changes now to your behaviour. You have all the time in the world to do that on your own time.
It’s only natural that you practice each step to the point where you’re improving your language skills and progressing naturally for you.
Notice how a single word can focus your thought. In order for this to happen, you would have to notice first. Notice how your thoughts can be persuaded in any direction quite easily.
What would it be like if you could just relax and just do this so naturally? You don’t have to do it. Just wonder what it would be like.
It’s as if all your attention is focused on learning now as if it was very easy to learn now.
What’s it like when you’re learning fascinating new things now? As you’re doing that, doesn’t it make it interesting to learn new things now?
The fact that you are here means that you are receptive to learn to master this more quickly.
You might realize that you are beginning to speak differently after you realize people are responding to you differently.
You should remember that learning is a natural thing to do, just accept the process and enjoy the ride.
The more you expose yourself to the experience and learn to do it more quickly, the more you’ll learn now to do it.
As Hatsumi, the Soke of the Bujinkan once said, “It is important to remember what my teacher, Takamatsu said, “A subtle conversation, that is the Garden of Eden.”
Most people can, Jordan, enjoy the process of communicating with more subtleness and clarity.
As soon as you discover the ease at which you can put this practice to work, you’ll feel great about it.
How do you know when you’re so totally absorbed in a project that everything else just seems unimportant? Now.
Will you practice these skills every day or just learn them at your own pace so that before you know it, you will be implementing them?
Because every time you practice a skill like this, you will enjoy doing it even more.
Will you find yourself speaking differently now, or will you not notice that until later?
When you find yourself using this powerful new model of communication, will you find yourself being surprised or just delighted?
Imagine, just imagine what it will be like to speak with such confidence and power.
I know you’re wondering how this all has to do with how quickly you can learn to speak with authority, and it’s a good thing to wonder.
Just pretend for as moment that you have already mastered these skills. How would you come to grips with what you’re doing?
When you read this card, you will notice how good your learning has been so far, or when you practice, how will you know how it has been going?
A person can learn to use these skills and when you use a person’s name, Jordan, they will pay more attention.
As you practice speaking with intent, you will notice yourself speaking more elegantly and with more authority.
It’s not necessary that you should speak differently. Just speak and learn to define it.
You might find yourself beginning to understand fully how you might use these language patterns.
And you will notice how easily you will be able to break the normal rules of grammar and people will listen more intently and they will be persuaded just so.
Notice what it’s like when you begin to speak differently. Just notice how your speech is so natural.
You may be wondering how easy it is to do these exercises, and if you weren’t wondering before, you are probably wondering now.
Have you ever learned something new and discovered how much fun you can have with it?
Because you have enjoyed learning new things in the past, you know you can enjoy the process of learning this exercise.
It’s a good thing to open your mind and learn new skills as that is how you learn new things.
You may notice you begin to speak differently and feel good about the fact that you’re learning new things and enjoy the process.
One can, you, Jordan, let go and learn for the sake of learning.
You could just pretend to be good at this, couldn’t you?
I wonder if you realize just how much more subtle your conversations are becoming now?
Sooner or later you will discover the ease with which you can have conversations like this for yourself.
There’s no need to understand clearly how these patterns work together until you find you are using them for yourself.
And how will you learn all these patterns for yourself?
It’s not night time yet. It’s still daytime, and you are thinking about these language drills, looking forward to how much you will be able to use these for yourself.
If you continue to use these drills in everyday conversation, then you will learn how much easier it is than you first thought.
Suppose you were learning all these at a deeper level than you now realize.
When you realize how everyone could do this, you would see that communication could be a breeze.
Remember the last time you were faced with a challenge and you managed to rise to the occasion.
Notice what it’s like when you speak differently. Just notice how you speak with ease.
7% of the meaning comes from the words themselves, while 38% comes from the way you say it, and 55% comes from the way you compose your body. Therefore, use should use the principle BMIR (Behavioural Manifestation of an Internal Representation). This is much like the quote “I think, therefore, I am.” If you want to make someone relax for a hypnosis session, you must think of relaxing scenarios in order to illicit relaxation in yourself first. If you do not, your true feelings and emotions will shine through in the 93% that is not verbal.
Practice this exercise: Squeeze the meaning out of your words. Say the following words or words of your own by trying to portray with the tone of your voice what the words mean:
Now try telling a story with these words in it and the same tones you just practiced.
Practice this exercise: Lean on certain words. This means to emphasize a meaning by putting extra emphasis on a word. Try leaning on each of these words one at a time and have a partner tell you the hidden message it seems to infer: “Did you get the item today?”
Practice this exercise: Now try using all these with people in real conversations. Start with the four power words and slip them into normal conversation, then try tonalities, and so on. The more you use it, the more comfortable you become and the easier it is. You will start making it normal and you will see that because of this, you will be able to turn your hypnotic speech on and off at will.
Practice all of these multiple times and really get to know them and better at them. It is the foundation on which the next parts will build.
We, as human beings, always play roles, sometimes called power roles. Even when we are in a flat group with no hierarchy and we are supposed to all be equal, we will unconsciously form a hierarchy and respond to different people as in roles. As a hypnotist, you will want to take on a high-status role so people will unconsciously want to follow you, but there could be times when you want a low status role, such as if someone has a dislike of authority figures. Once that type of person trusts you, you can shift back into a high-status role.
High-status role individuals will have certain characteristics. You will want to adopt these: Smooth speech without non-words like um, uh, like, or stuttering; eye gazes will be fixed and not darting around nervously; naturally sensitive areas that people unconsciously protect, like the throat, stomach, and groin, will be presented as not threatened and unprotected; a speed of speech that is not too fast or nervous, but not too slow and boring; no grand hand gestures or body actions that overcompensate for inner difference; not too authoritarian so you come off as mean and people dislike you, but not too soft so you seem like a pushover.
The Consistency Principle is when someone is in a high-status role, anything they say will be taken to be correct. The higher your status, the more consistent people will believe you are.
The Suggestibility Test is when you demonstrate in a public group your authority by means of a magic trick, a musical talent, funny jokes, or even “did you know” type of knowledge, it suggests to people subconsciously that you are also skilled and an authority figure in everything and they may begin confiding in your with their problems of life. This will also serve to tell you they are ready to be put into a trance.
Agreement Tactics is when you bypass the critical factor, that part of your brain that filters out things it does not want to believe, or does not conform to reality as it has been learned. There are 4 of these: Plausibility, the Agreement Habit, Yes Sets, and Piggy Backing Suggestions.
Plausibility is a sliding scale. The more awake the subject is, the more their critical factor is online, and the more plausible your suggestions may be. As they go deeper into a trance, their critical factor slowly slides to zero and then your plausible suggestions may be virtually implausible and still be accepted. If I say that there is a walrus on the 7th floor of an office building, this will at first seem unlikely, but if I present this to you after your critical factor has been lowered, you will accept it as part of this reality.
Practice this exercise: Close your eyes and relax comfortably in your chair. Imagine yourself in an office building on the 7th floor. It’s a Friday afternoon and your company has decided to stop working and have a fun socializing time before the weekend starts. They begin playing Caribbean music on speakers and they bring out cake and beverages. Look around at people smiling and laughing, maybe telling jokes. The boss brings in his puppy and sets in on the floor, when all of a sudden, the small dog begins to slowly grow and change colour and shape until it becomes a walrus. Now you see that the walrus is not so disturbing in this setting because it was introduced slowly and appropriately. Now you will open your eyes feeling refreshed and feeling wonderful.
The Agreement Habit is when you use positive reinforcement to bring their critical factor offline. To do this, you want to unconsciously to the other person lead the conversation, but you want to do this in a certain way. So if you are both discussing martial arts, for example, and the other person says his views and notes several things, some of which you agree with, and some of which you do not, when he states the things with which you do agree with, you want to reward the person with nods and smiles, or something similar, but when they say something you do not agree with, you do absolutely nothing. In this way, it will reward items you agree with but will not reward or punish items you do not agree with. By doing this over time, their critical factor will go offline because everything positive was rewarded subconsciously and they direct the conversation to only items they anticipate you will agree with. Next, when you introduce your views, they will agree with them too because their critical factor is now offline.
The Law of Successive Approximations is next. With this, you could make someone hallucinate a scene of your choosing, but in a more practical situation, you might use this to influence people to do what you want in small, incremental steps getting closer to what you want. For a hallucination, you might get a person with their eyes closed to imagine a cat in front of them. Then imagine the sound. Then maybe imagine the cat rubbing on their legs. Eventually, after you have presented small steps, you have them open their eyes and look at the cat and it will be there. In a practical way, you might have a student who does not want to lead a class, help you by handing you something in front of everything, then next time, you have them say something very brief, maybe only a term. Then a sentence another time. Then to demonstrate something. Then to teach a new student a whole set of techniques. Then eventually, to lead the whole class. If a step is too great and you lose them, go back to the last step that worked and you rebuild with Yes Steps, or another tactic, then you suggest another step forward but much smaller than before so they are more likely to take it.
The Law of Compounding Effect is the last tool in Persistence Tactics. You could say something like, “In a moment you will blink, and when you do, you will...” But in a broader sense, this effect basically states that every time you successfully get someone to agree with or do any previous steps, they become more comfortable doing any and all steps and future steps will become easier for them with less resistance or prepping.
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