Order Out Of Chaos (Elite Terrorism & The New World Order) (Paul Joseph Watson)
Order Out Of Chaos (Elite Terrorism & The New World Order) (Paul Joseph Watson)
Order Out Of Chaos (Elite Terrorism & The New World Order) (Paul Joseph Watson)
Order Out Of Chaos (Elite Terrorism & The New World Order) (Paul Joseph Watson)
Order Out Of Chaos (Elite Terrorism & The New World Order) (Paul Joseph Watson)

Order Out Of Chaos (Elite Terrorism & The New World Order) (Paul Joseph Watson)

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A New World Order is being erected and it is the biggest threat humanity has
ever faced. Moreover, it is a menace to each and every one of us individually. It
is a danger to our family, our way of life and our children’s future. You will learn
what it is, who is behind it, what they are doing to achieve it and why, and finally
how we can ensure its destruction.

The bulk of this book consists of names, places and dates. Everything is
documented by mainstream media reports. The level of mainstream citation I
include was not possible ten years ago but it is today because the agenda is so
blatantly in our faces that they have to admit to it. Most of the book concentrates exclusively on new information that has developed since September 11 2001.

While I do provide background where it is absolutely necessary, the first chapter
for example, many issues are not covered. Things like the Oklahoma City
Bombing or the Kennedy assassination all fit into the same agenda but they have been so exhaustively documented by other researchers that it would be a waste of my time to simply re-hash old material. This book is merely one of many keys that you will need to unlock the truth and so I suggest you read all the information of the subjects not covered in this book if you haven’t already done so.

The hunger, brutality, suffering, genocide and horror that has plagued the third
world is coming to our shores. But it is not set in stone and we can choose to
reverse the evil at any point. Everyone is presented with a chance of influencing
the world in whatever field they excel at. However, many spurn the opportunity
because they are not prepared to risk deviating from the manipulated ‘path’ that
has been set for them.

“Most people can't think, most of the remainder won't think, the small fraction who do think mostly can't do it very well. The extremely tiny fraction who think regularly, accurately, creatively, and without self-delusion- in the long run, these are the only people who count.”

- Robert Heinlein

The nature of intelligence as perceived by the conditioned ‘norm’ is judged by
how many numbers you can add together or how many names you can put to
dates. This is not intelligence of mind - it is system of mind. Systems of mind are like physical machines; they are limited in potential by the intelligence that built them. Likewise, the systems of mind that masquerade as ‘intelligence’ only
function to the standard of fuel that is fed into them in the first place. Systems of
mind can be changed at any time by the controller of the system (the
government). They can say 2 + 2 = 5 and the vast majority of people will not
question it. This proves to us that such systems of mind are not ‘intelligence’
because true intelligence is infinite, whole and unchanging. Remembering all the events I write about in this book and matching them with dates, names and
places and then telling someone else is not going to get the job done.