Bojutsu (Masaaki Hatsumi)
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"This English translation of Soke Masaaki Hatsumi's Bojutsu book has been done to the best of our abilities and we hope that it provides some insight and aid to fellow Bujinkan practitioners into the art of the hanbo (3ft staff) as depicted by Soke in his book. The Japanese language is a many-layered language, a language in which one word may have many meanings and levels of meaning. Because of this the Japanese love word puns. Hatsumi Soke utilizes this feature of the language to its fullest - it is part of his kyojutsu. He especially likes to use an old style of writing which is not common today (it has a lot of Chinese influence) and which even Japanese people have trouble reading. This makes translation work difficult. Our intent is to help provide Bujinkan practitioners who are not fluent in Japanese with adequate study material to go along with the original book. This translation is a great reference tool when compared to the original photos and text, which has been made available where we could translate it into English. As usual Soke Hatsumi has interwoven his magic and kyojutsu between the true aspects of the art and the words or photos displayed. Enjoy it.
- Stances and defense from them
- Rei - Bowing methods
- Wazas and Practice drills
- Against Sword Attacks"
Used, excellent condition.
195 pages.