Japanese Calligraphy / Shodō (書道)
Japanese calligraphy is called (書道) shodō, or is also called shūji (習字) and is a form of calligraphy, or artistic writing, of the Japanese language...
Saiminjutsu - Hypnosis (催眠術)
What hypnosis is: an altered state of mind, a situation where everyone wins, a trance, a state of relaxation, therapeutic.
Lie Detection & Polygraph Circumvention - 虚実
"If their reactions on their face are asymmetrical, it’s a sign of lying." - Dai-Shihan Jason Steeves
What should draw you away from what you were doing before/now?
"Some people will come for a long time, then drop out. Why? What are they doing now and what should they be doing instead?" - Dai-Shihan Jason Steeves
How to Hotwire a Car (pre 1999)
"Hotwiring a car is dangerous and there is a substantial risk of electrical shock."
Honbu Footwear Protocol
"One must only touch the tiled floor with outdoor footwear and never anything else." - Shihan Steeves
Team Profile: Denise
"I pack and unpack, set up and tear down. I do many things administratively and also help assist with children's class when needed."